πŸš€Getting Started

After subscribing to a CoinGecko API paid plan, you can follow this guide below to start using our Pro version API.

Reminder: Pro API is accessible by any user who is subscribed to a paid API plan, it is different from our Public API. To call Pro API with a key, you should always use this root URL: https://pro-api.coingecko.com/api/v3

1. Create a new API Key

  • Once you're logged to your CoinGecko account, go to Developer's Dashboard.

  • Click on β€œ+ Add New Key” and a new API Key will be created

2. Making API request

curl https://pro-api.coingecko.com/api/v3/ping?x_cg_pro_api_key=API_KEY


3. Editing or Deleting API Key

  • Go to Developer's Dashboard and click β€œEdit” on a specific API Key

  • Click β€œDelete Key” to delete this API key

  • You can also update the β€œLabel” and click β€œConfirm” to confirm your update

4. API Usage Report

  • You can check your month-to-date API usage report and the timestamp when you last used your Pro API.

  • You can also check your full historical usage in the dashboard.

Last updated